In the darkest moment, there is a reason to hope.
The reason is that healing is possible. I was thinking back to the days of drinking, smoking, insomnia, anxiety, chronic excruciating ovarian pain, and the constant underlying sense of torment and dread I felt. Every. Single. Day.
Now, I don't drink alcohol or smoke anything. I haven’t needed a pharmaceutical. I mainly consume food and water, and the plant medicine of my choice is herbal tea. I have zero judgment about any of those substances mentioned; they can be beneficial and even healing, but I want to be clear that I'm thoroughly sober, and it isn't a struggle. It's a preference. How did this happen?
My physical body has almost entirely healed with very little outside intervention. It has been an inside job. Every month, my moon cycle becomes gentler. I experience very little pain. I sleep well. I'm relaxed most of the time.
How is it that I am healing from what I was told was unhealable? People should be asking and wondering! Scientists and doctors should be very curious! How do we explain the body's ability to heal itself, and how can others activate this healing in their own body? I don't have all the answers; I have my experience.
Healing is possible.
My story is difficult, but I am well. My physical, psychological, and spiritual health is stronger than ever and getting stronger every day.
My story is difficult, but we must start sharing and talking more openly about how we have landed ourselves on our healing journeys so that others may also have hope. We need to continue to share about what is helping us heal. Doctors might not know how to help. Hopefully, they do, but they may not. We need each other's stories.
We must support each other on this difficult road (aka life). Very few knew how to support me. I understand and hold no grudges, but I want better for others. So I am doing my best to speak up.
Society is burning, which means I am burning. Burning through misplaced shame, confusion, self-consciousness, and terror. All of the things that were making me sick to start with.
Through this process, the world can heal itself. It is happening even if you don't see it. I feel it. If my body can heal, why wouldn’t I believe the world can heal? My body is my body of evidence.
My story is difficult. There is no way to sugarcoat it. I speak only from my own experiences. My own difficult yet radical experience of transformation. There is reason to hope.
There is hope for radical healing. How can I not be hopeful? The proof is in my body. It is cellular.
If you are in an impossible moment, hang in there.
My story is difficult, and yours might be too, but there is good news and there is hope.
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